

A young woman driving a car


How much is insurance for a new driver in Ontario?

How much is insurance for a new driver in Ontario?
A white Chevrolet Bolt on a highway ramp


Chevrolet Bolt EV battery recall: Is GM required to replace the battery?

GM replaces batteries for some Chevrolet Bolt EV owners in Canada, but not for all. What gives?

Chevrolet Bolt EV battery recall: Is GM required to replace the battery?
A red Tesla Model S drives along a coastline


Repairing corrosion on a Tesla Model S after the battery warranty has expired

Corroded battery packs and circuitry in electric vehicles are an emerging problem. How much does it cost to repair...

Repairing corrosion on a Tesla Model S after the battery warranty has expired
Smiling young woman sits beside a driving instructor in a car


How to pick a driving school in Canada

How to pick a driving school in Canada



A smiling young woman driver holds out a set of keys


When should you sell a used car?

When should you sell a used car?
A young man in the driver's seat of a car listens to his instructor


Driving school in 2023 is different: Here’s everything you need to know

Driving school in 2023 is different: Here’s everything you need to know
Mechanic with a clipboard stands under a hoisted car


How do car repair shops bill for services?

Why would a dealership bill more hours than its mechanics actually spent on servicing a car? Is this legal?

How do car repair shops bill for services?
A woman lies in the grass with her eyes closed, smiling

Making It

Working towards your dream lifestyle? Here’s how financial goals can help

Affording the things you want as a young adult is achievable when you follow these strategies when setting your...

Working towards your dream lifestyle? Here’s how financial goals can help


A woman sits behind the wheel of a car, smiling at a salesperson


Should you buy a new or used car?

Should you buy a new or used car?
