Best Arco lamp replica
Replica of this street-inspired lamp abound but this knock-off is one of the few that adheres to the original Italian-design.
Replica of this street-inspired lamp abound but this knock-off is one of the few that adheres to the original Italian-design.
The Arco lamp was designed by Italian brothers Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni in 1962 for designer lighting manufacturer Flos. The Castiglioni brothers were inspired by the way a streetlamp overhangs several feet from its base, providing intimate light while the body remains out of the way. The Arco is a statement piece—as much a sculpture as a lamp. Set in a 140-lb Carrara marble pedestal that doubles as a side table, the Arco’s stainless steel adjustable arm extends up and sweeps across eight feet in a delightful curved arc, stabilized by the heavy marble counterbalance. The stem is long enough to reach the center of your dining table, while the arc is high enough to walk underneath with a serving tray. Gabriel Ross carries the Arco original for $3,295.
Replicas abound, but inferior ones have bases that can wobble and shiny tubular stems instead of the original’s four-sided shape. The Cora floor lamp, however, adheres to the original design. It sells for just $595 at
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