


Oil consumption on new cars

Some new cars require oil every three to four tanks of gas

Oil consumption on new cars

February/March 2015

Custom furniture made just for you

From simple side-tables and bookcases to beds with drawers, custom-made furniture is making a comeback—and it’s affordable too

Custom furniture made just for you


Best trucks for towing the line

Our auto panel went out to find the best trucks for Canadians. Here's the pick-ups that made the list

Best trucks for towing the line

Home and Décor

How and when to buy new appliances

Skip repairs that cost more than 50% of a new replacement and other tips

How and when to buy new appliances



Ask MoneySense

What’s better: Paying with credit or cash?

There's no right or wrong answer, it depends entirely on your habits

What’s better: Paying with credit or cash?

February/March 2015

Capture the action with the best wearable cameras

There's an explosion in wearable cameras that strap on to your head to record an adrenaline-filled experience. Here are...

Capture the action with the best wearable cameras


Popularity of online dating sites grows (even more popular than real estate) is more popular than

Popularity of online dating sites grows (even more popular than real estate)


Want to know the cost of love?

You'll need to budget $50,339.21

Want to know the cost of love?



Find out if you have a secret car warranty

With a little bit of research you may find out that next car repair is free

Find out if you have a secret car warranty
