

A black and white dartboard struck with a yellow dart illustrates the importance of setting financial goals

Ask MoneySense

How to set financial goals that are realistic and achievable

Goal setting is an important financial strategy, but the key is to set goals that are realistic, relevant and...

How to set financial goals that are realistic and achievable
A young couple looking worried about inflation while grocery shopping


Making sense of the markets this week: October 23

High interest rates aren’t necessarily bad for banks, the Canadian inflation glass is half full (you can’t afford the...

Making sense of the markets this week: October 23
Young woman sits on a park bench smiling at her phone


Why you need a USD savings account

Why you need a USD savings account
Doretta Thompson is smiling in front of her painting

My MoneySense

The smart way to pay for “experiences” and other money tips

Doretta Thompson loves travel and is not a fan of debt. Here’s how she finds balance between treating herself,...

The smart way to pay for “experiences” and other money tips



Close-up of a V-shaped tire track in the snow under a car


Your guide to buying winter tires in Canada

What should you look for in a winter tire? Do you need winter tires at all? An auto expert...

Your guide to buying winter tires in Canada
A young man behind the wheel of a vehicle

Auto Insurance

How much is insurance for a new driver?

How much is insurance for a new driver?
A red Volkswagen Beetle parked on a street


Should you buy an original or aftermarket catalytic convertor? 

When a catalytic converter is stolen or worn out, here’s what to consider when buying a replacement part.

Should you buy an original or aftermarket catalytic convertor? 
A man sits in front of a tent in the woods, smiling at his phone.

Credit Cards

Five money hacks to reduce credit card debt

Five money hacks to reduce credit card debt


An interior view of an apartment, nicely decorated with plants, a throw pillow and other decor


Decorating with stuff you already own

Elias Blunden-Stone of The Room Editor shares the pitfalls of redecorating from scratch and the best ways to restore a...

Decorating with stuff you already own
