

Black Friday deals


Is a Black Friday road trip really worth it?

How much you'd have to save (and spend) to justify a cross-border trip

Is a Black Friday road trip really worth it?
travel advice


Top searched travel destinations by Canadians

Find out which value vacation spots everyone was searching for

Top searched travel destinations by Canadians

Real Estate

Lonely Planet ranks Canada as No. 1 travel destination

Canada is a top travel destination plus a great place to live

Lonely Planet ranks Canada as No. 1 travel destination


The best way to exchange money when travelling

Should you use a local ATM or exchange before leaving?

The best way to exchange money when travelling



Financial Planning

Being a snowbird could be harder under Trump

You may want to apply for visas or permits before the election

Being a snowbird could be harder under Trump


Money Fit calendar: October

This month is about finding deals, deals, deals

Money Fit calendar: October
Air Canada


Air Canada and WestJet face class action lawsuit

It alleges that the two airlines "colluded" to impose baggage fees

Air Canada and WestJet face class action lawsuit
airline fees

Magazine Archive

Send airline fees packing

Here are 5 ways to avoid paying those pesky extras

Send airline fees packing



Would you pay $10,000 per night for an Airbnb?

The concept of luxury is fluid when it comes to the sharing economy

Would you pay $10,000 per night for an Airbnb?
