


What you need to know about Canada’s new air passenger rights

The regulations outline specific conditions that entitle travellers to compensation, and even a full refund of their airfare.

What you need to know about Canada’s new air passenger rights


5 trending winter vacation destinations for budget travellers

Whether you’re a snow-seeker, in hot pursuit of a balmy beach vacay or looking for something in-between, each one...

5 trending winter vacation destinations for budget travellers
A photo of a phone on a table is seen


11 top travel sites to help plan your next vacation

Find deals on solo travel, airfare, city tours, hotels and more.

11 top travel sites to help plan your next vacation


Two tickets to paradise

We'll tip you off on the destinations where your dollars will go the farthest and how to take advantage...

Two tickets to paradise



January 2016

Camp like a rock star

Try a sports or music adult camp—the splurge is well worth the money

Camp like a rock star


How to spend 48 hours in Seattle—and keep it affordable

Even with the fluctuating value of our dollar, it’s easy to find deals on attractions, meals and more on...

How to spend 48 hours in Seattle—and keep it affordable


9 ways to save on your next road trip

Where you stay, the vehicle you drive, when you gas up and even which roads you choose can shave...

9 ways to save on your next road trip


4 top travel rewards programs for Canadians

The perks vary, but because there’s typically no membership fee, you can feel free to sign up for them...

4 top travel rewards programs for Canadians



Ways to save on solo travel

Travelling as a single can mean paying surcharges that add as much as 50% to the cost of a...

Ways to save on solo travel
