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Ask MoneySense

Are Howie and Pamela on track to retire at 55?

The numbers look good, but to be sure they should "test drive" living on the income they plan to...

Are Howie and Pamela on track to retire at 55?

Ask MoneySense

When should you stop contributing to an RRSP?

Denis is in his early 50s, with a modest income. Would contributing to a TFSA instead help him to...

When should you stop contributing to an RRSP?

Ask MoneySense

Can you use a line of credit as a “forced” savings plan?

Chris finds there isn’t a reliable amount of cash available for saving at the end of every pay cycle,...

Can you use a line of credit as a “forced” savings plan?

Ask MoneySense

Looking for reliable books and online resources on retirement? Here are a few

Even if you’re working with a financial planner or advisor, it’s worth your time to read up on financial...

Looking for reliable books and online resources on retirement? Here are a few



Ask MoneySense

“Am I on track?” Krista, a 34-year-old Montrealer, saves $20,000 a year

Longevity runs in Krista’s family—so, although retirement is 30 years away, she worries about outliving her money. How much...

“Am I on track?” Krista, a 34-year-old Montrealer, saves $20,000 a year

Ask MoneySense

Playing investment catch-up

At age 50, Viki’s putting aside $12,000 a year. Will that give her enough to retire comfortably at 67?

Playing investment catch-up

Ask MoneySense

Helping older relatives with money management

Angela's in-laws are living with her, and claim they don’t have enough money to pay their fair share of...

Helping older relatives with money management

Ask MoneySense

Getting a head start on their golden years

Tim is 47, and his wife is 46. They’re aggressively paying off their mortgage and will have defined benefit...

Getting a head start on their golden years


Ask MoneySense

Can you swing early retirement, financially? Try a “test drive”

Julie and Peter are on track to have $100,000 after taxes to spend in retirement. It may even be...

Can you swing early retirement, financially? Try a “test drive”
