
Ask a Retirement Expert

compound interest

Ask a Planner

Where should I transfer my pension?

Rachel has two options: a bank or an investment firm

Where should I transfer my pension?
monthly pension vs lump sum commuted pension


RRSPs, DCPPs, CPP, oh my!

Daniel has plenty of retirement options. Which should he prioritize?

RRSPs, DCPPs, CPP, oh my!
down payment

Ask a Planner

The best way to fund your retirement

Should Julie cash in shares or draw down on her RRSP?

The best way to fund your retirement

Ask MoneySense

Should I work past 70 while collecting CPP and OAS?

Here's a tool you can use to make your decision

Should I work past 70 while collecting CPP and OAS?




Ask a Planner

Retirement after a second marriage

Tina wants to know how to invest the proceeds from going from two homes to one with her fiance

Retirement after a second marriage

Ask MoneySense

The best way to unlock a LIRA early

There are some instances where you can access funds early

The best way to unlock a LIRA early


I left Canada—should I still invest in RRSPs?

It depends on if you're paying tax in Canada

I left Canada—should I still invest in RRSPs?

Ask a Planner

Do I qualify for the pension tax credit?

The eligibility for the credit is based on your age, sources of income and tax payable

Do I qualify for the pension tax credit?


cash flow

Ask a Planner

What to do with your extra cash

A high-interest savings account is great, but if you're willing to stray from the safety net, there are potentially...

What to do with your extra cash
