
Ask MoneySense

life insurance


Choosing priorities in retirement planning

Should this couple cancel their mortgage life insurance so they can pay down their mortgage faster?

Choosing priorities in retirement planning
cottage purchases capital gains tax


Slash capital gains with cost deductions

One cottage owner wants to know what expenses can be considered capital expenses

Slash capital gains with cost deductions
pay off your mortgage


Young homeowners: Invest or pay down debt?

Liam bought a place when he was 21. Now, he wants some advice on what to do with the...

Young homeowners: Invest or pay down debt?

Ask MoneySense

What should I do with the family farm?

One option is to sever the land, keep the house, and sell the rest

What should I do with the family farm?



stacks of coins

Ask a Planner

Where do I pay probate fees?

Len’s will was prepared in Quebec, where most of his assets are located. Now he lives in Ontario. How...

Where do I pay probate fees?
