


Why are fertility treatments so expensive in Canada?

Fertility treatments are expensive, and planning for them is difficult as the costs vary widely across the country.

Why are fertility treatments so expensive in Canada?
A woman kneels on the floor, looking into an empty basket with her child.


6 ways Canadians can invest in an RESP on a tight budget

It’s challenging to balance education savings with the high cost of living. Here are six ways to invest in an...

6 ways Canadians can invest in an RESP on a tight budget
A couple discusses declaring themselves common-law on their next tax return

Ask a Planner

Should you claim your common-law partner on your taxes?

Changing your status to common-law has an impact on your tax return and government benefits. Here’s how to know...

Should you claim your common-law partner on your taxes?


What happens if your child care provider pulls out of $10-a-day daycare?

The program, which aims to make child care more affordable, has faced hurdles. The pullback from some daycare centres...

What happens if your child care provider pulls out of $10-a-day daycare?



A man named Jing on his tablet at home

Ask a Planner

Can you save on taxes by owning an investment account with your child?

Jointly owning an asset with a child comes with tax and estate implications. Here’s why it may not be...

Can you save on taxes by owning an investment account with your child?
A young boy plays with a toy car in a classroom


How much money does the government contribute to an RESP?

How much money does the government contribute to an RESP?
A young girl smiles as she plays chess

Education Money

RESP vs. RRSP and TFSA: What’s the best option for education savings?

RESP vs. RRSP and TFSA: What’s the best option for education savings?
A mom holds her two young kids on a sofa

Life Insurance

Divorce and life insurance: How to make sure your family stays protected

If you’re going through a divorce, you have many financial decisions to make, including how to update your life...

Divorce and life insurance: How to make sure your family stays protected


Making It

How much does it cost to raise a child in Canada?

Inflation has made daily living more expensive, especially if you have kids. Find out how much it will cost...

How much does it cost to raise a child in Canada?
