


Save on child-related costs

Kids are expensive, so take advantage of tax and government benefits

Save on child-related costs


Save money on your kids

For some mommies and daddies, kids are an excuse to go shopping

Save money on your kids

June 2011

The real cost of raising kids

How much are you shelling out for your little bundles of joy? Hang on to your calculator because we’ve...

The real cost of raising kids


Saving for baby

Congrats! I hear you’ve got a new baby on the way. You must be very excited.

Saving for baby



April 2011

Save money on kids’ expenses

Raising children is an expensive endeavour. Here are 7 ways to cut your child-related costs.

Save money on kids’ expenses


Teaching children to save money

Saving comes naturally to some people. Not so much for others. And so it is with children.

Teaching children to save money

February 2011

The allowance trap

Adult kids love their $25,000 a year — until they find out strings are attached.

The allowance trap

Dec/Jan 2010

An impossible choice

Samson and Laura have given to others their whole lives—they even donate $10,000 a year to charity. Now their...

An impossible choice



Teaching kids about money is as easy as playing a video game

Summer is the perfect time to teach kids about money. A new online game offers prizes to kids who...

Teaching kids about money is as easy as playing a video game
