
credit score

A woman smiles as she reviews her credit score online


How to improve your credit score

Having a good credit score will help you obtain a loan or rent an apartment. Here’s what you need...

How to improve your credit score
A woman is sitting at her desk, using her calculator to figure out her debt-to-income ratio.


How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio—and why you should know this number

How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio—and why you should know this number


How long do debt collectors try to collect in Canada?

How long do debt collectors try to collect in Canada?
couple struggling with online application


Will credit card debt affect my mortgage application?

Will credit card debt affect my mortgage application?



A woman sits at a cafe table and looks at her phone.


Good habits that can help you improve your credit score

Good habits that can help you improve your credit score


How to keep your holiday spending in check

How to keep your holiday spending in check


Upwardly mobile

What do cellphones have to do with credit scores? More than you might think.

Upwardly mobile


Will applying for a credit card tank my credit scores?

The answer is…complicated. But it’s definitely worth your while to understand why—and what you can do to stay creditworthy...

Will applying for a credit card tank my credit scores?



Canada’s credit score obsession is leading people to make bad financial decisions

Credit scores reward indebtedness, because credit scores are a product for the banks

Canada’s credit score obsession is leading people to make bad financial decisions
