

Doretta Thompson is smiling in front of her painting

My MoneySense

The smart way to pay for “experiences” and other money tips

Doretta Thompson loves travel and is not a fan of debt. Here’s how she finds balance between treating herself,...

The smart way to pay for “experiences” and other money tips
A woman is sitting at her desk, using her calculator to figure out her debt-to-income ratio.


How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio—and why you should know this number

How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio—and why you should know this number
A woman sits at her computer, holding a credit card, contemplating using a line of credit to pay off her credit card debt


Does it make sense to use a line of credit to pay off credit card debt?

Does it make sense to use a line of credit to pay off credit card debt?
A man sits in front of a tent in the woods, smiling at his phone.

Credit Cards

Five money hacks to reduce credit card debt

Five money hacks to reduce credit card debt




How long do debt collectors try to collect in Canada?

How long do debt collectors try to collect in Canada?
a woman cosigns on a loan in a sunny office

Qualified Advice

I cosigned a motorcycle loan and the owner passed away: What are my obligations to the bank?

A Certified Financial Planner helps a reader understand their obligations—and their options—after cosigning on a loan.

I cosigned a motorcycle loan and the owner passed away: What are my obligations to the bank?
A woman is sitting at her desk at home, going through her bills to add them up.


Can I withdraw from RRSPs to pay bills?

Taking money from your RRSPs early to pay for debt has implications, including taxes, the loss of growth in...

Can I withdraw from RRSPs to pay bills?
couple struggling with online application


Will credit card debt affect my mortgage application?

Will credit card debt affect my mortgage application?



Watch: Does debt impact your mortgage application?

Watch: Does debt impact your mortgage application?
