


Preferred shares as investments

Stocks that can help you make money without as much volatility

Preferred shares as investments

Canadian Couch Potato

Balancing Your Dividend Holdings

One problem with the two leading Canadian dividend ETFs is that they are not very well diversified across sectors....

Balancing Your Dividend Holdings

Canadian Couch Potato

Claymore’s New Dividend Grower

This week saw the launch of the Claymore S&P US Dividend Growers (CUD), an ETF that will have great...

Claymore’s New Dividend Grower


Time to buy dividend stocks?

A tanking market means good prices for stocks with growth potential

Time to buy dividend stocks?



Canadian Couch Potato

The Stock Picker’s Quest for Alpha

Among academics, the active-versus-passive debate often centres on mutual funds. But among DIY investors—who readily concede that mutual funds...

The Stock Picker’s Quest for Alpha

Canadian Couch Potato

A DRIP in the Bucket

One of the downsides of using ETFs—as opposed to index mutual funds—is that dividends and interest are not automatically...

A DRIP in the Bucket

Dec/Jan 2010

Dividend downer

The dividend gross-up can mean an OAS clawback.

Dividend downer


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MoneySense answers your dividend questions

MoneySense writer Norm Rothery answers reader questions about investing in dividend stocks.

MoneySense answers your dividend questions
