
Estate Planning

A smiling senior-age man at a dinner table with his adult son and daughter

Ask MoneySense

What happens to my RRIF when I die?

Here’s how to leave assets in your RRIF account to your spouse, common-law partner, children, grandkids or other beneficiaries—and...

What happens to my RRIF when I die?
Two parents, two grandparents and two kids in a circle smile down at the camera

Financial Planning

How financial and estate planning can reduce money stress for women

Have you talked to your partner and parents about making a will and other end-of-life decisions?

How financial and estate planning can reduce money stress for women
An older man in a winter coat stands in a wooded area and looks worried


What happens to your debt when you die

What happens to your debt when you die
A middle-aged woman smiles as she sits on a couch near her niece

Ask MoneySense

Who to name as executor when family members aren’t an option

It’s not always possible or beneficial to name a family member or close friend as executor in your will....

Who to name as executor when family members aren’t an option



A middle aged woman sits by a window in a cafe

Ask a Planner

Can an executor borrow money to cover probate costs?

Executors have a few options when the estate has outstanding bills and no cash to cover probate fees. Find...

Can an executor borrow money to cover probate costs?
Photo of Kerry K. Taylor, journalist and podcaster

My MoneySense

“My first experience of buyer’s remorse has guided my spending ever since”

Financial journalist and podcaster Kerry K. Taylor shares her early financial lessons and regrets, and how a past recession...

“My first experience of buyer’s remorse has guided my spending ever since”
A multi-generational photo, showing the impact of a death in the family, estate planning and the final return


The final tax return after death: How it gets done in Canada

The final tax return after death: How it gets done in Canada
A mother and daughter are seated on a couch discussing plans for a disabled beneficiary trust

Ask a Planner

Estate planning and trusts for a beneficiary with a disability

When seeking advice that may involve multiple disciplines, including estate planning for a beneficiary with a disability, what type...

Estate planning and trusts for a beneficiary with a disability


Two women looking at their wills, deciding whether or not to name each other on the registered accounts

Ask MoneySense

Is it better to list a beneficiary on registered investments or have the account go to the estate?

When is it better to have beneficiaries listed on investment accounts versus leaving everything to the estate?

Is it better to list a beneficiary on registered investments or have the account go to the estate?
