
financial planning

A woman smiles as she video chats on her laptop.

Financial Planning

How to choose a financial advisor in Canada

How to choose a financial advisor in Canada
A person populates their monthly budget in excel.


MoneySense’s free Excel template for your monthly budget

If you’re looking for a free Excel budget template in Canada, then this tool is for you. Start planning...

MoneySense’s free Excel template for your monthly budget
A young boy plays with a toy car in a classroom


How much money does the government contribute to an RESP?

How much money does the government contribute to an RESP?
A toddler boy flexes his arm muscle


What is the RESP contribution deadline?

What is the RESP contribution deadline?



A young girl smiles as she plays chess

Education Money

RESP vs. RRSP and TFSA: What’s the best option for education savings?

RESP vs. RRSP and TFSA: What’s the best option for education savings?
Family wearing red coats, for Valentine’s Day, give the gift of a will and an estate plan

Estate Planning

Three reasons to have a will and estate plan

Creating a will and estate plan may not be the most romantic gesture, but it’s an essential demonstration of...

Three reasons to have a will and estate plan
A retired couple speak with an accountant about the tax implications of their inherited property

Ask a Planner

How to calculate the adjusted cost base of inherited property

What happens if you inherit a property and have no record of its value at that time? How can...

How to calculate the adjusted cost base of inherited property
Reads: Wealthy Women's Summit, March 6, 2024, 8 am registration, 9 am program, The Brownstone, Calgary

Financial literacy

MoneySense at the Wealthy Women’s Summit

Here’s how to get your tickets before they sell out.

MoneySense at the Wealthy Women’s Summit


Jordan Heath-Rawlings in his recording studio

My MoneySense

Money tips from Jordan Heath-Rawlings: “Make sure you can afford a sudden expense”

We talk to the host of In This Economy?!, a new podcast that helps Canadians understand and tackle the...

Money tips from Jordan Heath-Rawlings: “Make sure you can afford a sudden expense”
