

Woman, looking at her phone wondering, "Can I get scammed through e-transfer?"

Financial literacy

“Can I get scammed through an e-transfer?”—and other questions about protecting yourself from fraud

Receive a sus text? Does an email look off? Is a family member asking for money? Why is the...

“Can I get scammed through an e-transfer?”—and other questions about protecting yourself from fraud
A personal finance influencer sets up her camera to shoot a segment

Making It

How to find trustworthy finfluencers—plus, 5 to follow right now

With all the personal finance advice on social media, it can be challenging to filter good from bad. Here’s...

How to find trustworthy finfluencers—plus, 5 to follow right now
worried senior couple embraces

Retired Money

Canadian seniors, watch out for these scams

Canadian seniors, watch out for these scams


Lost wallet? Here’s how to protect yourself from fraud

Lost wallet? Here’s how to protect yourself from fraud



A woman on her phone trying to get the money back from a scam.


6 phishing scams targeting young Canadians (and how not to fall for them)

6 phishing scams targeting young Canadians (and how not to fall for them)
A woman stares at her phone in shock, realizing she's been scammed.


10 common crypto scams and how to avoid them

10 common crypto scams and how to avoid them
A woman looks worried as she listens to a call on her phone


Beware of CRA phone scams

Beware of CRA phone scams
A man rubs his eyes in disbelief after discovering that he's a victim of fraud

Ask MoneySense

Financial fraud in Canada: What to do if your bank account or credit card is compromised

Financial fraud in Canada: What to do if your bank account or credit card is compromised


A smiling young man and woman in their condo with a laptop computer

Fraud and Scams

How to protect yourself from identity fraud in Canada

How to protect yourself from identity fraud in Canada
