
Interest Rates

Credit Cards

A simple way to save

Consolidating your bills and debts will help you regain control of your money and save you a bundle at...

A simple way to save

Ask MoneySense

Debt priorities

Putting extra cash towards your debts is admirable, but Bruce Sellery warns doing so without a proper plan can...

Debt priorities

Ask MoneySense

Fight for the best rate

Many Canadians are loyal to their banks but Bruce Sellery says when it comes to your mortgage it pays...

Fight for the best rate


Melting money

Canada's new plastic bills are making international headlines after numerous reports of the bank notes melting.

Melting money



Credit Cards

Lose the plastic

Cutting up your credit card isn't the only solution if you're like the average Canadian with consumer debt issues,...

Lose the plastic


Say goodbye to the 30-year mortgage

Ottawa is attempting to cool the hot housing market by eliminating the 30-year mortgage and toughening lending rules.

Say goodbye to the 30-year mortgage


June 5 roundup

On Swedish-style taxes, flat interest rates and how to port a mortgage.

June 5 roundup


June 4 roundup

On flat interest rates, the new MOAR investment strategy and your chance to win a free copy of the...

June 4 roundup



May 22 roundup

On Facebook's fall, rising interest rates and why the CRA is targeting cottage sales.

May 22 roundup
