

A young woman calculates her debts at the kitchen table


How to consolidate debt in Canada

How to consolidate debt in Canada
Compound interest calculator: bar graph of money exponentially growing


Compound interest calculator: How to use one and how interest grows

Watch your money grow—or calculate how much money you will owe in total—with the MoneySense compound interest calculator. Here’s...

Compound interest calculator: How to use one and how interest grows
An older man in a winter coat stands in a wooded area and looks worried


What happens to your debt when you die

What happens to your debt when you die
A middle aged woman sits by a window in a cafe

Ask a Planner

Can an executor borrow money to cover probate costs?

Executors have a few options when the estate has outstanding bills and no cash to cover probate fees. Find...

Can an executor borrow money to cover probate costs?



a woman on her phone in the kitchen, possibly answering a call from a debt collector about a family member


Can debt collectors discuss your debt with your family members?

Can debt collectors discuss your debt with your family members?
A woman smiles as she reviews her credit score online


How to improve your credit score

Having a good credit score will help you obtain a loan or rent an apartment. Here’s what you need...

How to improve your credit score
A woman is sitting at her desk, using her calculator to figure out her debt-to-income ratio.


How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio—and why you should know this number

How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio—and why you should know this number
A woman stands under an umbrella in the rain

Life Insurance

Do I really need life insurance?

Purchasing a life insurance policy is considered good planning and, for some, the pinnacle of “adulting.” Here’s how to...

Do I really need life insurance?


A woman in her 60s is greeting her mother with a hug.

Ask a Planner

Should you loan money to someone who is house rich and cash poor?

Loaning money to someone who is house rich and cash poor requires some consideration. Even when it involves family....

Should you loan money to someone who is house rich and cash poor?
