

Two roommates moving in together, discussing whether to get a loan for first-and-last-month rent


Are rent loans the answer to rising rent costs in Canada?

With the average rent in Canada rising more than 9% this year, does it make sense to take out...

Are rent loans the answer to rising rent costs in Canada?
Young man in an office holding a laptop


Should you pay off student debt before investing?

Should you pay off student debt before investing?
A woman does the splits outside

Ask a Planner

4 strategies for income splitting with a lower-income spouse

If one spouse does not work, is it beneficial for the other to invest and buy stocks in their...

4 strategies for income splitting with a lower-income spouse
A young man looks at a stack of unpaid bills


Debt demystified: How to calculate your debt

Debt demystified: How to calculate your debt



A couple discussing their divorce and, of course, the topic of what to do with their mortgage comes up.


What happens to your mortgage after a divorce?

What happens to your mortgage after a divorce?
A young woman calculates her debts at the kitchen table


How to consolidate debt in Canada

How to consolidate debt in Canada
Compound interest calculator: bar graph of money exponentially growing


Compound interest calculator: How to use one and how interest grows

Watch your money grow—or calculate how much money you will owe in total—with the MoneySense compound interest calculator. Here’s...

Compound interest calculator: How to use one and how interest grows
An older man in a winter coat stands in a wooded area and looks worried


What happens to your debt when you die

What happens to your debt when you die


A middle aged woman sits by a window in a cafe

Ask a Planner

Can an executor borrow money to cover probate costs?

Executors have a few options when the estate has outstanding bills and no cash to cover probate fees. Find...

Can an executor borrow money to cover probate costs?
