
Marginal Tax Rate

A retiree scrolls on his mobile phone while sitting on a park bench

Ask a Planner

What to know about withholding tax in retirement

Most retirees have taxes owing at the end of the year. Should you adjust the withholding tax on your...

What to know about withholding tax in retirement
A woman lies on a sofa and smiles at GIC returns shown on her phone


How GIC returns are taxed in Canada

GIC interest rates are incredibly high—should you invest? Find out how GICs work and how GIC interest is taxed...

How GIC returns are taxed in Canada
Multiple ranges of Canadian bills to symbolize the different levels of tax brackets in Canada for 2022.


The 2022 tax brackets in Canada, based on annual income and broken down by province, too

The 2022 tax brackets in Canada, based on annual income and broken down by province, too

Ask MoneySense

When not to claim your RRSP deduction

Sometimes it make sense to hold off claiming your RRSP deduction.

When not to claim your RRSP deduction




Give a home as a gift and you’ll pay tax

One enterprising couple offered a builder a free home if he built their dream home for free. While it...

Give a home as a gift and you’ll pay tax
