


Mortgage insurance calculator

Buying a home with a down payment of less than 20%? You’ll need mortgage default insurance. Use this tool...

Mortgage insurance calculator
A woman is sitting at her desk, using her calculator to figure out her debt-to-income ratio.


How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio—and why you should know this number

How to calculate your debt-to-income ratio—and why you should know this number
A historic vacation property with private access to the shore that was purchased through a corporation

Real Estate

Should you buy real estate through a corporation?

It can make sense to purchase rental or vacation properties through a corporation, but often it's simpler—and less risky...

Should you buy real estate through a corporation?
A modern condo building against the backdrop of a clear blue sky

Ask a Planner

Will you make money on your rental property?

Rental real estate has been a great investment for many Canadians. But how do you assess whether yours is...

Will you make money on your rental property?



Exterior view of the upper floor of a home on a cloudy fall day


Housing affordability: What happens when lower home prices take on higher borrowing costs?

Borrowing costs are increasing as Canada experiences the fastest drop in home prices since the 1980s. Have we reached...

Housing affordability: What happens when lower home prices take on higher borrowing costs?
A man standing in a field considers whether he needs life insurance, while holding his young daughter in his arms

Life Insurance

5 reasons to buy life insurance—right now

An effective financial plan goes beyond saving and investing. Life insurance can also be a key element in achieving...

5 reasons to buy life insurance—right now
A dog stands in the middle of a neighbourhood road at sunrise

Real Estate

Why now might be a good time to be a first-time home buyer in Alberta

Alberta is an attractive place to buy a first home. We look at what first-time buyers can expect in...

Why now might be a good time to be a first-time home buyer in Alberta
Rows of perfectly arranged Monopoly houses


5 surprises to avoid when switching mortgages before your term ends

Switching your mortgage can save you money—but be careful not to pick an offer that reduces that benefit by...

5 surprises to avoid when switching mortgages before your term ends


Three pairs of shoes are nicely placed in the entryway of a home

Real Estate

Read this before applying for the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

The FTHBI promises to help make real estate more affordable, but there’s a catch: It’s a loan you have...

Read this before applying for the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive
