

Two people shake hands across a desk that has a laptop on it

Ask a Planner

Should you borrow to invest with the Smith Manoeuvre?

Warren is trying to crunch the numbers on borrowing to invest using a strategy often referred to as the...

Should you borrow to invest with the Smith Manoeuvre?
Two town homes with pointed peaks

Ask a Planner

The tax implications of owning multiple properties during probate

When a spouse passes away, what are the tax, probate and mortgage implications for multiple properties?

The tax implications of owning multiple properties during probate

Real Estate

Do you have real estate FOMO? What you need to know before it affects your finances

An effect of many Canadians being priced out of the housing market, real estate FOMO can cause you to...

Do you have real estate FOMO? What you need to know before it affects your finances


Watch: What Is the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive?

Watch: What Is the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive?



couple struggling with online application


Will credit card debt affect my mortgage application?

Will credit card debt affect my mortgage application?
A couple hold the keys to their new home

Mortgage Terms

Why the mortgage stress test isn’t the villain it was made out to be

The mortgage qualifying tool has been subject to plenty of criticism. However, with rising interest rates, it may be...

Why the mortgage stress test isn’t the villain it was made out to be


Watch: Does debt impact your mortgage application?

Watch: Does debt impact your mortgage application?


Watch: What is the mortgage stress test?

Watch: What is the mortgage stress test?



Watch: What is mortgage affordability?

Watch: What is mortgage affordability?
