


Understanding mortgage affordability

Mortgage affordability provides an estimate of how much money you can afford to borrow for a home. Learn more...

Understanding mortgage affordability
An aerial view of a rural home

Mortgage Terms

Forget the burbs—should home buyers “fly until they qualify” for a mortgage?

With Canadian home prices soaring outside of urban centres, you may be questioning the mantra “drive until you qualify.”...

Forget the burbs—should home buyers “fly until they qualify” for a mortgage?

Ask MoneySense

“Should we refinance our mortgage?”

Rates are significantly lower than the one Jill and Bob have locked into until 2024. Would they save money...

“Should we refinance our mortgage?”


Should you break your mortgage?

Breaking your mortgage to get a better interest rate could save you thousands of dollars. Here’s what you should...

Should you break your mortgage?




How to calculate mortgage payments—without a mortgage payment calculator

If you’ve ever wondered about the math behind your mortgage payments, or if you simply want to impress a...

How to calculate mortgage payments—without a mortgage payment calculator

Real Estate

Should you pay off your mortgage early?

There are some serious advantages to paying off your largest debt early. But to make the best choice, first...

Should you pay off your mortgage early?


What’s the best mortgage for first-time home buyers?

The president of CanWise Financial explains what to keep in mind when shopping for your first mortgage.

What’s the best mortgage for first-time home buyers?
man taping a moving box closed

Real Estate

Home-financing tips for 5 types of buyers

Buying a home can be extra tricky if you’re single, self-employed, a first-time buyer, a soon-to-be parent or a...

Home-financing tips for 5 types of buyers



How much mortgage can I afford?

Juliette was worried about needing to upsize her mortgage to afford the condo of her dreams. Crunching the numbers...

How much mortgage can I afford?
