

Employee checks pay stub


When your pension isn’t big enough, what do you do? 

With a mix of pension benefits, registered accounts and other assets, it’s entirely possible to build a comfortable retirement.

When your pension isn’t big enough, what do you do? 
Immigrant father and daughter in snowy forest


New to Canada and no pension: How to save for your retirement

How much money do you need to retire in Canada, and what sources of income can you rely on...

New to Canada and no pension: How to save for your retirement

Ask a Planner

Which types of pension income can be split with your spouse in retirement?

Splitting income with your spouse can help you to pay less tax. Here are some types of retirement income...

Which types of pension income can be split with your spouse in retirement?
senior couple posing at travel destination

Ask a Planner

“We’re set for life. Should we cash out an RRSP?”

The cost/benefit analysis of liquidating an RRSP can get complex fast. What matters more are your priorities.

“We’re set for life. Should we cash out an RRSP?”



Senior couple uses computer to tackle budget

Retired Money

How to double your CPP income

New analysis from the National Institute on Ageing makes a strong case for delaying Canada Pension Plan payments to...

How to double your CPP income


Planning for retirement with little or no savings to draw on

Planning for retirement with little or no savings to draw on
Canadian working part-time in retirement wondering if he can collect employment insurance EI


How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada

Just because you paid loads into a program doesn't mean you'll get EI benefits when you retire

How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada
Man happy deciding where to put his retired income: RRSP or TFSA

Ask a Planner

Where should working retirees put extra income: A TFSA or an RRSP?

Working Canadian retirees may look at CPP and OAS as extra income. Is putting that money in a TFSA...

Where should working retirees put extra income: A TFSA or an RRSP?


A smiling man in his forties looks at his financial info on a tablet


What’s the average monthly retirement income in Canada?

What’s the average monthly retirement income in Canada?
