

white-haired man standing outdoors

Ask a Planner

How to avoid OAS clawbacks when you’ve had a temporary increase in income

A one-time bump in Sam’s income triggered an Old Age Security benefit clawback, and he wants to know if...

How to avoid OAS clawbacks when you’ve had a temporary increase in income
woman optometrist with patient

Ask a Planner

Can you change your mind about taking CPP early?

Rena started receiving Canada Pension Plan benefits at age 60 and wants to know if she can now defer...

Can you change your mind about taking CPP early?
boats at market in Bangkok, Thailand

Ask a Planner

Can you receive a government pension if you live outside of Canada?

Helen wants to know if her father can receive Old Age Security benefits, despite not living in Canada for...

Can you receive a government pension if you live outside of Canada?
older man at laptop computer

Ask a Planner

New investment approaches for risk-averse Canadians

Old-school investors may find the capital preservation techniques they have relied on in the past won't work the same...

New investment approaches for risk-averse Canadians



Retired Money

Near retirement with no defined benefit pension? Here’s what you need to know

Newly revised to include the financial fallout of COVID-19, the book Retirement Income For Life by retired actuary Fred...

Near retirement with no defined benefit pension? Here’s what you need to know

Ask a Planner

“Should I sell off some investments to avoid OAS clawbacks?”

Cam is already feeling heavily taxed in retirement and wonders if he should get rid of his dividend-paying investments...

“Should I sell off some investments to avoid OAS clawbacks?”

Ask a Planner

Why it’s still worth it for high-income seniors to apply for OAS

Eileen is worried about the adverse impact on her taxes if she applies for OAS, and wonders if she...

Why it’s still worth it for high-income seniors to apply for OAS

Ask a Planner

The limits of Old Age Security survivor benefits

Lillian lost her husband and wants to know what happens to his Old Age Security pension.

The limits of Old Age Security survivor benefits


beach footsteps walking towards retirement


Here’s how I’m transitioning into retirement

With his first OAS payment on the way, Jon reflects on what retirement has looked like for him

Here’s how I’m transitioning into retirement
