
Online Brokerages

Ask a Planner

Are Vanguard Canada ETFs and other funds always a good investment?

Here’s how you can access Vanguard ETFs in Canada and some pros and cons of ETFs to consider.

Are Vanguard Canada ETFs and other funds always a good investment?


The most popular online brokerage for DIY investors

The way Canadian investors use online brokerages varies greatly across the different platforms

The most popular online brokerage for DIY investors


How to buy an ETF at a discount brokerage

Buying an ETF is just like buying a stock. We show you how to complete a trade.

How to buy an ETF at a discount brokerage


How to research a stock at a discount brokerage

Before you buy make sure you know what you’re buying. We show you some of the tools you can...

How to research a stock at a discount brokerage




How to make an online trade at a discount brokerage

It's easy! This instructional video shows you how

How to make an online trade at a discount brokerage

Canadian Couch Potato

Understanding ECN fees

If your brokerage offers commission-free ETFs, just accept the ECN fees as a reasonable trade-off

Understanding ECN fees

Canadian Couch Potato

Are investors protected from brokerage bankruptcies?

The CIPF maintains a pool of money that can be used to compensate investors in the event of a...

Are investors protected from brokerage bankruptcies?


Best in class

We picked two overall "best in class" winners. Which ones were they?

Best in class




More women and young people plan to invest online

There isn't a 'typical' online investor anymore.

More women and young people plan to invest online
