

A senior-age woman looks at her tablet on a park bench.


CPP payment dates in 2025, and more to know about the Canada Pension Plan

Here’s how Canada’s retirement pension plan works, who’s eligible for CPP, when you can start receiving CPP, and CPP...

CPP payment dates in 2025, and more to know about the Canada Pension Plan
An older couple does stretches in a park


OAS payment dates in 2025, and more to know about Old Age Security

Here’s how Canada’s Old Age Security pension works, who’s eligible for OAS, when you can start receiving OAS, and...

OAS payment dates in 2025, and more to know about Old Age Security

Ask a Planner

CPP for non-residents of Canada: How to apply, report pension income and more

A Certified Financial Planner explains how the CPP process works for a non-resident of Canada and if a return...

CPP for non-residents of Canada: How to apply, report pension income and more
A dad and teenage son hug while playing basketball on their driveway


How much money should I have saved by age 40?

How much money should I have saved by age 40?



Ask a Planner

Should you take extra RRIF withdrawals to increase your estate?

Contrary to the conventional advice, taking more than the minimum RRIF withdrawal can at times save tax on your...

Should you take extra RRIF withdrawals to increase your estate?
woman commuting to work on bus


How to plan for retirement when you have no pension

Practical advice on how to build your retirement savings for employees at mid-career, the self-employed, single parents and more.

How to plan for retirement when you have no pension
A Canadian divorced or widowed single woman meets a financial planner for the first time.

Financial literacy

Financial planning for the first time? A guide for women on a single income

Single and your income is already spread thin—so how do you save for the future? Three financial experts share...

Financial planning for the first time? A guide for women on a single income

Ask a Planner

Should you invest an inheritance in an RRSP or a TFSA?

A Certified Financial Planner provides perspective on the TFSA vs. RRSP question for a couple in their late 50s...

Should you invest an inheritance in an RRSP or a TFSA?


Carpenter works on home improvement project


How to renovate your home on a fixed income

Spending thousands of dollars on upgrades to your living space can be daunting for seniors. Here are some financing...

How to renovate your home on a fixed income
