
Power of Attorney

A Canadian couple going over the duties of a power of attorney for property and if they should hire someone for the role.

Estate Planning

Can you hire someone to be power of attorney for property in Canada?

Here are the considerations before becoming a power of attorney for property and what to do if you’re unable...

Can you hire someone to be power of attorney for property in Canada?

Ask a Planner

Can you decline or step down as power of attorney in Canada?

Power of attorney compensation can be high, but the role can be a lot of work. Here’s what happens...

Can you decline or step down as power of attorney in Canada?
Elderly woman in wheelchair with granddaughter

Estate Planning

How to pay yourself as a power of attorney in Ontario

Should you be paid as a power of attorney? Learn about the compensation rules in Ontario and how to...

How to pay yourself as a power of attorney in Ontario
Warm family photo after talking about advanced care planning.

Estate Planning

Caring for aging parents in Canada: Financial challenges and strategies for relief

Be prepared for the financial burdens of caring for aging parents by learning about the innovative strategies that could...

Caring for aging parents in Canada: Financial challenges and strategies for relief



A young couple talks about finances over coffee

Financial literacy

Dating dilemma: When to talk about finances

Dating dilemma: When to talk about finances
A man named Jing on his tablet at home

Ask a Planner

Can you save on taxes by owning an investment account with your child?

Jointly owning an asset with a child comes with tax and estate implications. Here’s why it may not be...

Can you save on taxes by owning an investment account with your child?

Ask a Planner

Should you use home equity to buy a house for your kids?

Some parents want to help their kids move out by borrowing against their home. Here’s how interest rates and...

Should you use home equity to buy a house for your kids?
A niece takes care of her uncle as power of attorney, is not his estate trustee.

Ask MoneySense

When does the role of power of attorney end—and estate trustee begin?

There are various roles for estate planning, including the POA and the estate trustee. Find out the difference between...

When does the role of power of attorney end—and estate trustee begin?


Two parents, two grandparents and two kids in a circle smile down at the camera

Financial Planning

How financial and estate planning can reduce money stress for women

Have you talked to your partner and parents about making a will and other end-of-life decisions?

How financial and estate planning can reduce money stress for women
