
Real Estate


Mortgage insurance calculator

Buying a home with a down payment of less than 20%? You’ll need mortgage default insurance. Use this tool...

Mortgage insurance calculator
A young farmer stands proudly amongst the first leaves of corn stalks, as he may be getting the farm from his father to avoid taxes.

Ask a Planner

Can you gift a farm to your kids to avoid taxes?

The idea to gift property to a family member for a dollar to avoid tax is a common one....

Can you gift a farm to your kids to avoid taxes?
A historic vacation property with private access to the shore that was purchased through a corporation

Real Estate

Should you buy real estate through a corporation?

It can make sense to purchase rental or vacation properties through a corporation, but often it's simpler—and less risky...

Should you buy real estate through a corporation?
A modern condo building against the backdrop of a clear blue sky

Ask a Planner

Will you make money on your rental property?

Rental real estate has been a great investment for many Canadians. But how do you assess whether yours is...

Will you make money on your rental property?



A hallway's exit sign that illustrates a home buyer's decision to break out of a real estate deal

Real Estate

What happens when a buyer backs out of a real estate deal?

Signing a purchase agreement and then failing to close can have serious financial consequences—and courts don’t take it lightly....

What happens when a buyer backs out of a real estate deal?


Land transfer tax calculator

Use a land transfer tax calculator to determine how much you’ll pay in taxes when buying a property in...

Land transfer tax calculator
A couple are looking at a photo book, as they clear up the home of a family member. They're also at the stage of wondering the next steps, including who will pay for the mortgage

Estate Planning

Is the family responsible to pay the mortgage for a loved one who has passed away?

When a home owner dies with money owing on the property, the type of ownership determines who is accountable...

Is the family responsible to pay the mortgage for a loved one who has passed away?
A woman sitting at her laptop gazes upward, deep in thought.

Ask a Planner

How capital gains tax on property is divided in a divorce

When a couple separates, how does owning, transferring and dividing multiple properties affect capital gains?

How capital gains tax on property is divided in a divorce


To show family co-ownership of a house, a mother and her adult daughter are cooking together in their kitchen

Qualified Advice

Co-ownership: Are there any tax implications if you sell part of your house to a relative?

A finance expert addresses capital gains taxes, possible tax credits, and other factors related to co-ownership of a home.

Co-ownership: Are there any tax implications if you sell part of your house to a relative?
