

A group of friends sit around a table, planning for the year ahead

Ask a Planner

Year-end tax and financial planning considerations

Some strategies are time-sensitive, while others can help you start the new year on the right foot.

Year-end tax and financial planning considerations
university students at library table

Jacks on Tax

School tax: What can you claim as a deduction on your annual income tax?

Post-secondary education is expensive, but you can cut the cost by taking advantage of these tax breaks.

School tax: What can you claim as a deduction on your annual income tax?


What happens to an RESP for grandchildren when you die?

Opening an RESP is a great way to contribute to your grandchildren’s education costs. But what happens if you...

What happens to an RESP for grandchildren when you die?
Two Canadian students at a dorm discussing RESP withdrawal rules.


RESPs 101: The RESP withdrawal rules

Have an RESP, now what? If you’re wondering how to withdraw that money to pay for school (or not),...

RESPs 101: The RESP withdrawal rules



A group of teenagers all on their cellphones, checking their investments, we hope.


How to invest as a teenager in Canada

How to invest as a teenager in Canada


The benefits and flexibility of family RESPs

The benefits and flexibility of family RESPs
A young man sits on a sofa and buys GICs on his laptop


Registered or non-registered GICs: Which should you buy?

Registered or non-registered GICs: Which should you buy?
A smiling young man takes notes about his G I C returns in a cafe


What types of GICs are available in Canada?

What types of GICs are available in Canada?


A man sits in the grass with this grandson, who is drinking from a cup

Ask a Planner

When and how to transfer an RESP for grandchildren

Grandparents, relatives and even family friends can open an RESP account. What should they consider from an estate planning...

When and how to transfer an RESP for grandchildren
