

A man in his 60s adjusts a part on a greasy machine at work

Ask a Planner

Should you collect CPP and OAS while working in your 60s?

If you’re in your 60s and plan to remain in the workforce, here’s what you need to know about...

Should you collect CPP and OAS while working in your 60s?
A couple sit together on a bench, discussing how to withdraw from savings with tax efficiency.

Ask MoneySense

Tax-efficient retirement strategy options for Canadians

Tax-efficient retirement strategy options for Canadians
A senior-age couple in party clothes celebrate a birthday

Ask a Planner

Should RRIF withdrawals be based on the younger spouse’s age?

Is there an advantage to using a younger spouse’s age to calculate minimum RRIF withdrawals? Find out.

Should RRIF withdrawals be based on the younger spouse’s age?
Five coins with crypto logos sit on a graph.

Ask a Crypto Expert

Should you invest in crypto if you’re close to retirement?

Should you invest in crypto if you’re close to retirement?



An elderly couple sits and shares a cup of coffee.


“A Second Life”: What a retirement plan looks like today

The meaning of retirement is changing, and many retirees no longer view it as a finish line. Consider these...

“A Second Life”: What a retirement plan looks like today
A teacher high-fives one of her students in class after learning about her options for early pension withdrawal

Qualified Advice

Can I withdraw my pension early?

Can I withdraw my pension early?
A bird flying in the sunset to symbolize the 60/40 balance portfolio as a pheonix rising again.

Retired Money

The 60/40 portfolio: A phoenix or a dud for retirees?

Retired or near retirement and rethinking the classic balanced asset allocation? Here’s the debate—that’s not really a debate—on the...

The 60/40 portfolio: A phoenix or a dud for retirees?
a woman sits at a table calculating expenses with calculator, folders and paper


How much should I have in my RRSP?

How much should I have in my RRSP?


A black and white dartboard struck with a yellow dart illustrates the importance of setting financial goals

Ask MoneySense

How to set financial goals that are realistic and achievable

Goal setting is an important financial strategy, but the key is to set goals that are realistic, relevant and...

How to set financial goals that are realistic and achievable
