

Elderly age couple using laptop while sitting on sofa in living room

Ask a Planner

Which savings should retirees draw down first?

Seniors seeking a decumulation strategy may be asking the wrong questions. Start with your spending plan, then model how...

Which savings should retirees draw down first?
Young man at work


30 and no pension: What are your options?

Many 30-year-olds are at the crossroads of some major life expenses. Here’s how to save for retirement during a...

30 and no pension: What are your options?


How does a reverse mortgage work in Canada?

A reverse mortgage advances you funds from a house you own. Find out if this option is right for...

How does a reverse mortgage work in Canada?
Worker at mid-career aged 40


40 and no pension: What do you do?

You’ve reached your 40s, are mid-way in your career and realize you’ll never have a pension. Here’s how to...

40 and no pension: What do you do?



senior couple on balcony of home


Why a reverse mortgage should be a last resort for most Canadian retirees

Reverse mortgages do the job of freeing up income for house-rich, cash-poor Canadian seniors. But their terms are often...

Why a reverse mortgage should be a last resort for most Canadian retirees

Ask a Planner

A parents’ guide to home down payment gifts and loans

Many parents loan or gift money to their adult children for real estate purchases. Here are the legal and...

A parents’ guide to home down payment gifts and loans
Small business owner in flower shop


Self-employed with no pension

Here’s how freelance workers and entrepreneurs in Canada can use the unique aspects of “working for yourself” to build...

Self-employed with no pension

Ask a Planner

Which types of pension income can be split with your spouse in retirement?

Splitting income with your spouse can help you to pay less tax. Here are some types of retirement income...

Which types of pension income can be split with your spouse in retirement?


Two shiny red apples and a green apple are shown to symbolize the comparison of GICs and annuities for retirement

Ask a Planner

Annuity vs. GIC: What makes sense for retiring?

Annuity vs. GIC: What makes sense for retiring?
