

Two Canadian men at work, thinking about retiring and the risks he'll need to manage.


Common risks to retirement, investing and financial freedom

In his book The Investment Revolution, Francis Gingras Roy writes a practical guide to achieving financial freedom.

Common risks to retirement, investing and financial freedom
Couple talking on a bench about what happens to their RRIFs when one dies


What happens to a RRIF when the account owner dies?

Find out if a RRIF goes to the beneficiaries or spouse when the holder of this registered account passes...

What happens to a RRIF when the account owner dies?
Employee checks pay stub


When your pension isn’t big enough, what do you do? 

With a mix of pension benefits, registered accounts and other assets, it’s entirely possible to build a comfortable retirement.

When your pension isn’t big enough, what do you do? 
A head shot of Allan Norman on a white background.

Financial Planning

Allan Norman financial advisor

Meet Allan Norman Allan Norman, CFP, CIM, is a Certified Financial Planner and founding partner of Atlantis Financial Inc.,...

Allan Norman financial advisor



Ask MoneySense

How to consolidate your registered accounts for retirement income in Canada

Do Canadians need to consolidate RRSP accounts before converting to RRIFs? Find out this and more.

How to consolidate your registered accounts for retirement income in Canada
Older man paints picture

Retired Money

What is RetireMint? The Canadian online platform shows retirement planning isn’t just about finances

Web platform RetireMint offers something most other sources of retirement planning information don’t: advice on the non-financial aspects of...

What is RetireMint? The Canadian online platform shows retirement planning isn’t just about finances
Immigrant father and daughter in snowy forest


New to Canada and no pension: How to save for your retirement

How much money do you need to retire in Canada, and what sources of income can you rely on...

New to Canada and no pension: How to save for your retirement
Mother and daughter outside


How to manage as a single parent with no pension

It’s hard but not impossible for those raising kids on their own to plan and save for retirement without...

How to manage as a single parent with no pension


Elderly age couple using laptop while sitting on sofa in living room

Ask a Planner

Which savings should retirees draw down first?

Seniors seeking a decumulation strategy may be asking the wrong questions. Start with your spending plan, then model how...

Which savings should retirees draw down first?
