

A man and a woman in their 40s, looking at their respective retirement plans on a laptop.


How to start saving for retirement at 45

Is 45 too late to start saving for retirement? Of course not. With thoughtful saving and good advice, this...

How to start saving for retirement at 45
A retired woman on a sofa reading a book


RRIF and LIF withdrawal rates: Everything you need to know

Most registered retirement savings plans are eventually converted to registered retirement income funds. Here’s what to know about RRIF...

RRIF and LIF withdrawal rates: Everything you need to know

Ask a Planner

What to do if you overcontributed to your RRSP

If you’ve accidentally overcontributed to your RRSP, you may pay a tax penalty. Here are your options for promptly...

What to do if you overcontributed to your RRSP
Book cover Retired Income for Life by Fred Vettesse on a pile of Canadian money.

Retired Money

Retirement Income for Life: Why Canadian retirees love Frederick Vettese’s books and his PERC

What’s new in the latest edition of Retirement Income for Life? A long-time fan digs into the book and...

Retirement Income for Life: Why Canadian retirees love Frederick Vettese’s books and his PERC



Canadian working part-time in retirement wondering if he can collect employment insurance EI


How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada

Just because you paid loads into a program doesn't mean you'll get EI benefits when you retire

How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada
Happy senior parents and their adult son having fun while greeting in the kitchen.

Ask a Planner

How to model retirement income in Canada

The risk of having too much money left when you die is real. Often realizing this comes too late...

How to model retirement income in Canada


TFSA vs RRSP: How to decide between the two

Consider these five factors before deciding whether to contribute to a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) or a tax-free...

TFSA vs RRSP: How to decide between the two
A retired couple cheers to having found a way to fund their retirement

Ask a Planner

Should retirees consider a home equity sharing agreement (HESA)?

Home owners have a new way to tap their home equity. How does the HESA compare to a reverse...

Should retirees consider a home equity sharing agreement (HESA)?


Man biking up a hill symbolizes safety and growth of GICs for Canadian retirees.

Retired Money

Are GICs a no-brainer for retirees?

GICs were embraced by many Canadian investors last year, whether conservative or not. With rates expected to fall again...

Are GICs a no-brainer for retirees?
