

A retired couple look at a map while traveling across Europe

Ask a Planner

Should Canadians keep their investment accounts when retiring abroad?

For Canadians who plan to retire to other countries, here’s a primer on the tax implications of leaving accounts...

Should Canadians keep their investment accounts when retiring abroad?
Father with adult children, toasting during good times. The father is happy as he's taken care of his estate and avoided probate fees in Ontario.

Estate Planning

How to avoid or reduce probate fees in Ontario

Read about the practical strategies to reduce or avoid probate fees in Ontario, and ensure a smoother transfer of...

How to avoid or reduce probate fees in Ontario
A woman who is nearing retirement sits comfortable in a chair enjoy a coffee

Ask a Planner

Should you hold on to unused RRSP contributions?

It may not be a good idea to save up unused RRSP contributions in order to save on future...

Should you hold on to unused RRSP contributions?
A woman with a large sun hat rests on a doc

Ask a Planner

How is passive income taxed in Canada?

Investment income is subject to tax in Canada, including in some tax-sheltered accounts. Find out more about how passive...

How is passive income taxed in Canada?




Borrowing money to invest

Should you open a margin account with your broker, or opt for an RRSP loan? Read about the potential...

Borrowing money to invest

Ask MoneySense

Should you hold your mortgage inside your RRSP?

Can an RRSP be used to reduce the mortgage on a current home, or to help with the purchase...

Should you hold your mortgage inside your RRSP?
A young man smiles at his mobile phone.


Taking an active approach to ETF investing in Canada

Taking an active approach to ETF investing in Canada
A woman reviews tax information online after receiving a severance payment

Ask a Planner

How to avoid tax on severance pay in Canada

Find out how you can reduce the tax payable on a severance payment, and what happens when receiving a...

How to avoid tax on severance pay in Canada


A woman at home, sitting on the floor in her living room, wondering if she should pay off her mortgage or invest in RRSPs.


Contribute to RRSP or pay off mortgage?

Does it make sense to put some extra cash into an RRSP or use it to help pay off...

Contribute to RRSP or pay off mortgage?
