

Woman takes care of her mother, and without a job wonders if she can maximize her RRSP and TFSA with $0 income.

Ask a Planner

Can you maximize your RRSP and TFSA with an income of $0?

With a year of no income, find out if it makes sense to max out registered accounts like an...

Can you maximize your RRSP and TFSA with an income of $0?
A woman lies on a sofa and smiles at GIC returns shown on her phone


How GIC returns are taxed in Canada

GIC interest rates are incredibly high—should you invest? Find out how GICs work and how GIC interest is taxed...

How GIC returns are taxed in Canada
A middle-aged man and woman at a cafe, looking at a map


We’re living longer—here are two ways to boost retirement savings and income

We’re living longer—here are two ways to boost retirement savings and income
A man in a suit, smiles as he's thinking to retire soon. He's also wondering what inflation will do to his savings.

Retired Money

Inflation and investments: Heads up if you’re retired or retiring soon

How will inflation affect your investments? Experts dissect what the rising cost of living means for retirees and those...

Inflation and investments: Heads up if you’re retired or retiring soon



A couple contributing to their RRSPs just after the New Year's countdown


Why contributing to a TFSA is a good resolution

Why a TFSA should be your top goal for next year and how it stacks up against RRSPs as...

Why contributing to a TFSA is a good resolution
A 55-year-old nurse smiles as she contemplates her five or 10 year retirement plan.

Ask MoneySense

How to plan for retirement in five or 10 years

When deciding to retire in five or 10 years, there are a few things to consider, in addition to...

How to plan for retirement in five or 10 years
A couple sit together on a bench, discussing how to withdraw from savings with tax efficiency.

Ask MoneySense

Tax-efficient retirement strategy options for Canadians

Tax-efficient retirement strategy options for Canadians
A senior-age couple in party clothes celebrate a birthday

Ask a Planner

Should RRIF withdrawals be based on the younger spouse’s age?

Is there an advantage to using a younger spouse’s age to calculate minimum RRIF withdrawals? Find out.

Should RRIF withdrawals be based on the younger spouse’s age?


a woman sits at a table calculating expenses with calculator, folders and paper


How much should I have in my RRSP?

How much should I have in my RRSP?
