

Links to video "GICs for all life stages"


Video: Are GICs a good investment? Depends on your life stage

Video: Are GICs a good investment? Depends on your life stage
Doretta Thompson is smiling in front of her painting

My MoneySense

The smart way to pay for “experiences” and other money tips

Doretta Thompson loves travel and is not a fan of debt. Here’s how she finds balance between treating herself,...

The smart way to pay for “experiences” and other money tips
Renée Sylvestre-Williams smiles in a headshot of her taken on a beautiful fall day near some trees.

My MoneySense

The piece of advice journalist Renée Sylvestre-Williams wished she had in her 20s and more

The personal finance writer is an open book on her money values, as she launches her own book, Money...

The piece of advice journalist Renée Sylvestre-Williams wished she had in her 20s and more

My MoneySense

How dating expert Damona Hoffman handles her relationship with money

Hoffman shares her money mistakes and best lessons, and she explains how home ownership is a bigger commitment than...

How dating expert Damona Hoffman handles her relationship with money



Shaun Maslyk of the Most Hated F Word stands in front of a chackboard wall

My MoneySense

From being wired to spend to the emotional attachment to money, Shaun Maslyk unpacks how psychology can affect finances

As the host of The Most Hated F Word podcast, Shaun Maslyk is no stranger to asking personal questions...

From being wired to spend to the emotional attachment to money, Shaun Maslyk unpacks how psychology can affect finances
Duane Ledgister, wearing glasses and a thick cardigan over a button-up shirt, sits at his desk smiling.

My MoneySense

Duane Ledgister’s tips on distractions for investors, the value of volunteering and more

In this installment of My MoneySense, the vice president and portfolio manager at Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Capital...

Duane Ledgister’s tips on distractions for investors, the value of volunteering and more
A man is seen sitting an thinking

Ask a Planner

Should you leave corporate savings in your company?

Chris has a lot of money saved in his corporate bank account and wants to take it out with...

Should you leave corporate savings in your company?
A person sits before a laptop with a rising graph on the screen.


A reality check on financial FOMO

A reality check on financial FOMO


Smiling man using his laptop at a table.


How GICs can help you save for your short-term goals

How GICs can help you save for your short-term goals
