

Ask a Planner

Are your deposits at Canadian financial institutions safe?

The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has highlighted risks in the U.S. banking system. Should Canadians with large deposits...

Are your deposits at Canadian financial institutions safe?
A woman facing financial decision fatigue rests her head in her hands, looking frustrated.

Financial Planning

How to overcome financial decision fatigue and start building wealth

Janine Rogan, CPA and author of The Pink Tax, offers some concrete financial planning and money management tips.

How to overcome financial decision fatigue and start building wealth
Three employees at their production jobs talking about cashing out their employee pensions.

Retired Money

Should you cash out your workplace pension when you leave a job?

Find out why Canada has it better than the U.S. for registered employer pensions. A UBC study on cashing...

Should you cash out your workplace pension when you leave a job?
Steph Gordon and Dennis Mathu smile at the camera against a yellow background.

My MoneySense

The one thing influencers Steph & Den want you to know about retirement

The two content creators share money advice daily with over 300,000 TikTok followers. Here’s what they have to say...

The one thing influencers Steph & Den want you to know about retirement



A row of Montreal townhomes in autumn

Making It

First home savings account: A Gen Z guide to achieving home ownership

If you want to be a home owner in Canada, here’s how the new tax-free FHSA could get you...

First home savings account: A Gen Z guide to achieving home ownership
Sander Meijers from Adyen

My MoneySense

Sander Meijers shares the most relatable money regret ever and talks about being a selective investor

Adyen’s Canadian manager tackles the My MoneySense questionnaire, revealing his money hero and the complexity of taking a lump...

Sander Meijers shares the most relatable money regret ever and talks about being a selective investor
A woman hugs her young son in a sunlit room


How to buy Scotiabank GICs

How to buy Scotiabank GICs
A person holds a camera at arm's length and prepares to take a photo of themselves

A Rich Life

Investing Beyond the Numbers: Understanding financial flashpoints

Financial flashpoints are significant emotional events that shape our beliefs and behaviours towards money, ultimately influencing our financial and...

Investing Beyond the Numbers: Understanding financial flashpoints


A woman sits against a grey wall reading a book on international women's day.

Financial literacy

5 great personal finance books by women

Here are five powerful and inspiring personal finance books by women.

5 great personal finance books by women
