
Segregated funds

A senior-age man lies on a sofa and looks at his smartphone

Ask a Planner

Converting a segregated fund to a RRIF

If you hold a segregated fund and want to convert it to a registered retirement income fund, this is...

Converting a segregated fund to a RRIF

Ask MoneySense

The problem with investing $150,000 in seg funds

Often the math doesn't add up

The problem with investing $150,000 in seg funds


segregated funds

Ask a Planner

Segregated funds: Are the investment guarantees worth it?

When someone offers you a guarantee, it's usually in their best interest, not yours

Segregated funds: Are the investment guarantees worth it?

Ask MoneySense

The pros and cons of segregated funds

There are lots of bells and whistles on the Manulife Retirement Plus segregated funds.

The pros and cons of segregated funds



Ask MoneySense

Are seg funds worth the premium?

Bruce Sellery says you need to do a full cost-benefit analysis before you insure your investments.

Are seg funds worth the premium?


Segregated funds: A cracked nest egg

"Seg" funds no longer make much sense.

Segregated funds: A cracked nest egg
