

A young doctor meets with a patient who's in school

Making It

Health insurance in Canada: A primer for students and recent grads

Unsure about your benefits as a student? No longer covered by your school or your parents? Here’s how you...

Health insurance in Canada: A primer for students and recent grads
Student walking to college together, talking about student debt


Can debt consolidation help with Canadian student loans?

Can debt consolidation help with Canadian student loans?
A young woman checks her child's RESP balance on her phone

Ask a Planner

What to do when you have insufficient or unused RESP funds

What to do when you have insufficient or unused RESP funds
Young man in an office holding a laptop


Should you pay off student debt before investing?

Should you pay off student debt before investing?



A young woman, who was just able to afford to live on her own, is hosting dinner to her friends in the kitchen of her new pad.

Making It

How to afford moving out as a student or young adult

How to afford moving out as a student or young adult
Two young men are in the library, using the computers as they're smiling. Why? Because they're not stressed about money and they've budgeted well.

Making It

How to manage money as a student

How to manage money as a student


6 money-saving tips for post-secondary students

Stretch your budget farther with ideas for saving, spending and student-friendly bank accounts and credit cards.

6 money-saving tips for post-secondary students

Making It

How much does it cost to raise a child in Canada?

Inflation has made daily living more expensive, especially if you have kids. Find out how much it will cost...

How much does it cost to raise a child in Canada?



Student Money: How to pay for school and have a life—a guide for students and parents

Student Money: How to pay for school and have a life—a guide for students and parents
