

Ask a Planner

Are spousal and child support payments taxable?

Spousal and child support payments are taxed differently. And lump-sum payments may come with their own tax implications.

Are spousal and child support payments taxable?
A woman lies on a sofa and smiles at GIC returns shown on her phone


How GIC returns are taxed in Canada

GIC interest rates are incredibly high—should you invest? Find out how GICs work and how GIC interest is taxed...

How GIC returns are taxed in Canada
A woman takes notes while discussing inheritance rules with an advisor on the phone

Ask a Planner

When does the “plus 1” rule apply to a principal residence? 

There are tax implications to inheriting a second property. But in certain circumstances, you can have two principal residences...

When does the “plus 1” rule apply to a principal residence? 
A middle-aged man and woman at a cafe, looking at a map


We’re living longer—here are two ways to boost retirement savings and income

We’re living longer—here are two ways to boost retirement savings and income



A multi-generational photo, showing the impact of a death in the family, estate planning and the final return


The final tax return after death: How it gets done in Canada

The final tax return after death: How it gets done in Canada
Multiple ranges of Canadian bills to symbolize the different levels of tax brackets in Canada for 2022.


The 2022 tax brackets in Canada, based on annual income and broken down by province, too

The 2022 tax brackets in Canada, based on annual income and broken down by province, too
A woman sits at her at-home office, prepping her tax return, looking at the 2022 credits she may qualify for.


2022 Income Tax: New tax credits for Canadians

2022 Income Tax: New tax credits for Canadians
A woman stares at her cell phone in disbelief after learning that she has overcontributed to her TFSA

Ask a Planner

“My financial advisor overcontributed to my TFSA—now what?”

Overcontributing to a TFSA can be costly, especially if it goes unnoticed. What can you do if the error...

“My financial advisor overcontributed to my TFSA—now what?”


A young man leans forward on a couch to pet his dog.

Ask a Planner

What are the taxes on transferring real estate to your kids?

Joan and her partner own the condo her son lives in, but they want to transfer ownership to him....

What are the taxes on transferring real estate to your kids?
