

A young farmer stands proudly amongst the first leaves of corn stalks, as he may be getting the farm from his father to avoid taxes.

Ask a Planner

Can you gift a farm to your kids to avoid taxes?

The idea to gift property to a family member for a dollar to avoid tax is a common one....

Can you gift a farm to your kids to avoid taxes?
A historic vacation property with private access to the shore that was purchased through a corporation

Real Estate

Should you buy real estate through a corporation?

It can make sense to purchase rental or vacation properties through a corporation, but often it's simpler—and less risky...

Should you buy real estate through a corporation?
A man, sitting at home on his couch, is scrolling through his iPad calendar, to choose a date to retire.

Ask a Planner

What time of year should you retire?

When’s the best time to retire? The timing is not always up to you, but if you can choose,...

What time of year should you retire?
A monopoly game is in session, symbolising how a couple could owe each other money with spousal loan strategy.

Ask a Planner

How to invest with spousal loans for Canadians—and how to pay it back

There is plenty of advice on setting up a spousal loan for income splitting, but it’s important to know...

How to invest with spousal loans for Canadians—and how to pay it back




Land transfer tax calculator

Use a land transfer tax calculator to determine how much you’ll pay in taxes when buying a property in...

Land transfer tax calculator
A man standing in a field considers whether he needs life insurance, while holding his young daughter in his arms

Life Insurance

5 reasons to buy life insurance—right now

An effective financial plan goes beyond saving and investing. Life insurance can also be a key element in achieving...

5 reasons to buy life insurance—right now
A woman sitting at her laptop gazes upward, deep in thought.

Ask a Planner

How capital gains tax on property is divided in a divorce

When a couple separates, how does owning, transferring and dividing multiple properties affect capital gains?

How capital gains tax on property is divided in a divorce
To show family co-ownership of a house, a mother and her adult daughter are cooking together in their kitchen

Qualified Advice

Co-ownership: Are there any tax implications if you sell part of your house to a relative?

A finance expert addresses capital gains taxes, possible tax credits, and other factors related to co-ownership of a home.

Co-ownership: Are there any tax implications if you sell part of your house to a relative?


A man sits outside near hedges, contemplating transferring his home to his daughter's name

Ask a Planner

Should you transfer property to a child and then rent it from them?

Satyesh is considering transferring his home to his daughter and then renting it back from her. What are the...

Should you transfer property to a child and then rent it from them?
