

A couple contributing to their RRSPs just after the New Year's countdown


Why contributing to a TFSA is a good resolution

Why a TFSA should be your top goal for next year and how it stacks up against RRSPs as...

Why contributing to a TFSA is a good resolution
A man drinks from his coffee while reading about U.S. withholding tax rules on his computer

Ask a Planner

Do you pay withholding tax on U.S. ETFs?

A Canadian-domiciled ETF is almost always subject to U.S. withholding tax, but there are exceptions and a foreign tax...

Do you pay withholding tax on U.S. ETFs?
On the street, a well-dressed woman reviews for finances using an app on her phone

Ask a Planner

Tools and habits to stay on track with your money goals

Goal tracking is an important part of proactive financial planning. Here are some tools and habits to try to...

Tools and habits to stay on track with your money goals
A young woman, man and toddler sit on the doorstep of a house


What newcomers need to know about investing in Canada

New to the country? Here’s your quick-start guide to the investing landscape in Canada, including tax-sheltered accounts, inflation and...

What newcomers need to know about investing in Canada



A couple sit together on a bench, discussing how to withdraw from savings with tax efficiency.

Ask MoneySense

Tax-efficient retirement strategy options for Canadians

Tax-efficient retirement strategy options for Canadians
A man with a wedding band is meeting with a lawyer to go over will documents.

Ask a Planner

Can you avoid probate taxes on TFSAs?

Find out how to shield TFSAs from probate taxes, when no beneficiary or successor has been named for the...

Can you avoid probate taxes on TFSAs?
A father with his adult daughterPhoto by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


The tax implications of gifting adult children money and more

A reader asks about investing in his RRSPs after 71, withdrawing from RRIF and a sizable gift of money...

The tax implications of gifting adult children money and more
A woman stares at her cell phone in disbelief after learning that she has overcontributed to her TFSA

Ask a Planner

“My financial advisor overcontributed to my TFSA—now what?”

Overcontributing to a TFSA can be costly, especially if it goes unnoticed. What can you do if the error...

“My financial advisor overcontributed to my TFSA—now what?”


A man reviews paperwork from his corporation while standing near his office window

Ask a Planner

When should you withdraw money from your corporation to invest?

Is taking money out of a corporation to invest in RRSPs, TFSAs and real estate a good decision? What...

When should you withdraw money from your corporation to invest?
