By Stefania Di Verdi on February 26, 2015 Estimated reading time: 1 minute
The easy way to claim the Family Tax Cut
By Stefania Di Verdi on February 26, 2015 Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Here's our most trouble-free DIY option
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Planning on slashing your taxes with the new income-splitting plan introduced by the feds, but already dreading the math involved? Here’s good news for DIY tax filers: claiming your share of the new $2,000 Family Tax Cut will be easy as pie because most NETFILE-certified tax preparation kits come with income-splitting capabilities baked into the software. We tested UFile, TurboTax and SimpleTax by preparing taxes for a fictional couple with a child. The verdict? All delivered accurate and identical returns. Calculating the Family Tax Cut rebate was the most trouble-free with TurboTax, thanks to its easy-to-follow steps and clean interface.